These twelve news stories all surfaced, if you're in touch with SKWAWKBOX, in the last three months of 2021:
Skwawkbox continues to serve its readers and the left

In a bleak UK political landscape that has no parliamentary alternative worth recommending to the people of this country, exposing truth is as essential as it was during the Corbyn years – and perhaps even more so, as the right continues both its rewriting of history and its assault on democracy and human rights, tragically within the Labour party as well as without. With the so-called ‘mainstream’ media colluding with the Labour right to either cover up or excuse – and the right always ready to plumb new depths in its factional war – the left media have been forced to do the job of revealing the conduct of the right as well as that of the Tories.
Skwawkbox thanks its readers for their continued support in that endeavour. Below are just twelve examples from the last three months – out of many more in that period and during the
rest of the year – in which this site brought information to light exclusively about the right of the Labour party that would otherwise have remained hidden, keeping the movement informed and preventing cover-ups.- Labour’s conference is, according to the party’s rules, its sovereign body and its decisions are binding on the leadership. But Skwawkbox revealed that, in order to ignore its resolutions that he wants to ignore, Keir Starmer and his allies have ridiculously claimed that conference is only sovereign while it is actually taking place and after that they’re free to forget everything it says
- The racism of the Labour right and the media’s silence on it have been one of the enduring scandals of the Starmer regime. Among many examples, Skwawkbox exclusively revealed the mass purge of Muslim councillors and candidates in Waltham Forest that saw 13 out of 14 Muslim candidates barred from standing, along with three Muslim councillors including a cabinet member of 27 years standing – and the most senior black councillor who had just been elected as deputy leader of the council
- The Labour right’s racism is most often seen toward Palestinians. Skwawkbox revealed that the right-wing Labour Friends of Israel was telling its members to say that hundreds of thousands of Palestinians ‘abandoned’ their homes and land in 1948 – instead of being driven out at gunpoint
- During Labour’s leadership contest, Keir Starmer told Labour members in Liverpool that he would not speak to the Murdoch S*n – but in typical weasel fashion, only for the duration of the campaign. When, as leader, he decided not only to speak to the hated rag but to write for it – to the disgust of thousands of members and councillors in the region – Skwawkbox gave its readers exclusive early warning of the betrayal
- When Keir Starmer’s allies told media, during the scandal of MPs second jobs and corporate backhanders, that he was never going to take a second job with a law firm, Skwawkbox revealed emails that proved he was until Jeremy Corbyn blocked the move
- As Labour vilified black MP Claudia Webbe in their eagerness to remove her and replace her with a right-winger, one man was arrested for responding to the campaign of hate by planning to kill Ms Webbe. The media, no doubt eager to avoid acknowledging its part in inciting hate against her, reported only that the arrest was for the planned murder of an unnamed MP – but Skwawkbox revealed exclusively that Ms Webbe was the target
- After the murder of Conservative MP Sir David Amess, many MPs received additional funding for extra security – but Skwawkbox revealed that left MPs were being denied the money to keep them safe – a fact that became chillingly relevant soon afterward with the plan to kill Claudia Webbe
- After the left took democratic control of giant union Unison’s executive and presidency, the right attempted simply to ignore instructions from the new National Executive Committee. Skwawkbox revealed that the UK’s top Labour lawyer had said staff could be immediately dismissed if they persisted in ignoring the rulings of the NEC and that staff’s attempts to justify their obstruction were ‘wrong in almost every respect’
- During 2021, Keir Starmer and the Labour right essentially declared war on party members and others in Liverpool, with Starmer’s S*n betrayal just one salvo. But Skwawkbox revealed that the right had also taken control of candidate selections in the city’s by-elections, imposing a right-wing hardliner on the selection process and blocking every left candidate as well as imposing a ‘Liverpool officer’ on the city who had quit Labour to campaign for the CUK ‘Tinge’ party
- As the antisemitism of the Labour right toward left-wing Jews crawled out from under its stone, left-wing Jews in the party found themselves tens and even hundreds of times more likely to be suspended and expelled than non-Jewish members, despite complaints to the Equality and Human Rights Commission
- As the right moved to stitch up rule changes at the party’s conference in September and to protect Keir Starmer’s unpopular choice for general secretary, Skwawkbox revealed mass campaigns to rig the votes by suspending and expelling Labour members who had been elected by their fellow members to represent them as delegates at the conference
- When Jewish former Labour staffer Elaina Cohen was forced out of her job for whistleblowing, Keir Starmer was named as a potential witness in a Labour party cover-up of allegations of both antisemitism and the abuse and exploitation of domestic violence victims. Skwawkbox may also feature in the case, as some of the allegations were exclusively revealed here
These examples are just some of those revealed in just the final three months or so of the year. For the rest of this site’s exclusives, see this list.
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