Sunday 7 February 2021


And now for something a little different. Here in St Ives, I have my local running circuit - 1.75 miles up to the top of the hill at Little Treganna and then back down again. This is a designated area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. My route has provided me with the framework for the twelve chapters of my latest book: 'Dying to Know - Running through a Pandemic' as I explain on my website page (press here) and in this blogpost (press here).   

'Dying to Know' has an illustrated text - this image is taken a few yards from the top of the hill and appears on p.3.

I thought you might be interested in viewing the local landscapes from the top of Little Trevalgan, a little higher than the summit of the B3306 where I turn round to run back down the hill. One lunchtime in late September last year, after a morning run, I returned by car and took a medley of photographic images. Some of these were made into this video:


Facebook does provide one service for free that I really value: the making of videos from your own images. Here is another one that has appeared. It gives a glimpse into my life and the life of Louise, my

wife, the textile artist. I realize some of you who view this will make more sense of it than others - but I hope you all can enjoy it as a celebration of talent.

And finally, a video featuring a very special town in north Wales: Conwy - no apologies for the indulgence - together with another trip round the Crypt Gallery in St Ives with some additional material.  



1 comment:

  1. Great to see this .. I so enjoyed seeing the video of my first Crypt Gallery exhibition...
